Friday 8 April 2011

8) Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learned in the progression from it to the full product?


Making the preliminary film contributed a lot to how the final film turned out. As a group we learnt many different ways to improve our film, and how to plan perfectly how we wanted everything to turn out, and make sure that we had the ideas clear in our mind so it was easier to do, and we understood how to do it ourselves without having to ask for much help. If it wasn't for the preliminary, i think a lot of things would've gone wrong with our main film, so i'm glad we got to do both, because it was really helpful to have an idea of the things that could've happened while making our main film.


In the preliminary film, we didn't do much planning. We didn't pay much attention to Mise En Scene, or Camera Angles. We just tried to get it all done and make sure the story was there, but we didn't pay any attention to the little details that can help make a good film, great. Also during this film, we didn't pay attention to the rule the subject must always be in the middle of the frame, and there shouldn't be much space between the top of the frame, and the subject's head. Also, during the preliminary when we was putting it together and adding sound, we didn't think of putting natural sounds together. We just used long scientific sounds, which made the whole thing seem a bit fake.


The improvement of our preliminary compared to our final film is extremely obvious. In the final film, we took weeks planning out exactly what we wanted to do and how we wanted everything to look, compared to the preliminary where we only planned for about an hour at most. One of the things we spent the most time planning was Mise En Scene. We had to make sure that everything was perfect before we started filming. We chose the outfits of each character especially. We wanted it to be obvious what each character was about, and we portrayed them pretty stereotypically. The main factor in whether or not this film would have had the desired effect was the location. We knew that we had to find the perfect alleyway, or the main part of our thriller opening wouldn't look right, and the whole thing would fall apart. With some careful planning, i think that we produced a great, and effective thriller.

7) What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

In the process of putting this film together, i think that i have learnt how to use many different editing programmes, and i've become more able to research specific things, and come up with exactly the right results i wanted.

Google was one of the key websites that was used to help make our thriller. We had to research all the different type of things we wanted to incorporate into our film, and find out whether or not it would work as a thriller. We looked up different camera angles used in a thriller, what type of roles each person can play, the different genre's of thrillers, and how we could put a few together, to make our own genre which was suited to our taste.

Google gave us a lot of links to Youtube videos. Some of these videos were actual thrillers which we used to get inspiration for our film. We used Youtube to look at the lightning, location, shots, and other common features which are used in thrillers. Other videos that we looked out were just about sound. We wanted to get the most realistic sounds that actually sounded like they belonged in our thriller, so that we could make it more effective.

Final Cut Pro was the main programme that put together our thriller. Before these lessons, i had no idea how to use this programme, as i'd never used it before. In using this programme to make the film, i had learnt how to cut two different clips down the middle, and put them together so that it was like one clip had been placed in the middle of another. This allowed for the range in shot movement to be shown off to it's full potential and so that we could get the best out of our film.

Another technology i'd discovered through making this film was the programme Live Type. This programme could have been used to make all the titles for our film, but instead we used Final Cut Pro because we only used simple fonts. In Live Type, you can choose from a range of fonts and backgrounds to create the perfect titles for your movie. There are a lot of different colours and effects that you can add to your text, so that it can be suitable for whatever genre your film is.

By combining all these different technologies, i have found it really easy perfecting my film. Even when i didn't know how to do something in one of the programmes such as Live Type or Final Cut, if i wrote down my problem into the Google search bar, i was given a solution almost immediately.

7) What have you kearned about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Thursday 7 April 2011

6) Audience feedback and comment

This picture is full of the words that came up when students were asked what they thought about our film. The bigger words are the words which appeared the most. I am quite proud of the feedback that has come from our film. There were a few negative comments which i completely agree with, such as the lighting being a bit too dark, and the scream at the end sounding a little too fake. I was really nervous at first to know what other people would think of our film, but in the end i was surprised at the results. I'm glad that our thriller opening left people wanting to know more, and that it built up tension and even made somebody jump, which was our aim.

Wednesday 6 April 2011

4&5) What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? How will you attract/address your audience?

I have decided to distribute this film online using social networking websites. I think that because this is a low budget student film, this would produce a more successful result that if we had a cinematic release. Using these websites, it'd be quick easy to spread the word about of film, therefore hopefully gaining more attention, and hopefully a lot of views and downloads of it. I personally think that this is a good idea because there are millions of people around the world with access to the internet, and social networks. This way we can get a range of people around the world, with different interests, all together to view our film.

To start the process of distributing our video, we'd have to first upload it to YouTube.

YouTube is a website which is made just for videos. You can find almost any type of video here, and this makes it the perfect place to upload our thriller. You can rate, like, dislike, and comment on videos, as well as share the links to other websites such as Myspace, Facebook, and Twitter. This can help spread our video around the world, and the use of ratings and comments is a helpful feature which we can use to help us improve on our future films.

Once on YouTube, the video looks like this:

The next step in distributing this video would be to upload it to Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr.

When i upload the video to Facebook, it will be available for all the people on my friends list to see. I can upload the video to just my profile, or i can post the link onto all of my friend's profiles. If i do this, i'd be able to share the video with at least 300 people at one time and if i asked my friends to share the video with their friends, then it can be shown to more than 500 people in one day.

When posted on Facebook, the video would look like this :

Twitter is a really good place to share the video also. Here we can connect with celebrities and many other people from around the world. If we can find a celebrity who is interested in our film, it would be a good opportunity to use them to get their fans to watch the video also, which gives us more promotion and hopefully more people who would enjoy our film, and then spread it around to their friends.

Our film would look like this on Twitter :

Tumblr is a blogging site which is full of 'Indie' and 'Hipster' teenagers. On this site, you'd be bound to find many people who like this film. If i uploaded the film to my blog, all the people who follow me, would be able to see it. It's not that easy to share the video over Tumblr,  so i'd have to ask people to share it around for me, and pass it on to their followers. This website doesn't have much diversity in it's users, but as long as it shares the video, it doesn't matter.

If posted on Tumblr, the video would look like this : 

6) Audience feedback and comment

The image above is full of words that were associated with the feedback we received from our class mates who got to see our film. To understand the image is by basically knowing that the bigger words are those that repeatedly came up, and the smaller ones are those that appeared the least. This session actually gave our group some confidence as we never thought our film would be such an hit!

*smiley face*

 Based on the feedback from our audience we received a range of thoughts on the premiere of our thriller. I'll first start with the positive of where the lighting was thought to be very suited to the films context and genre. The mise en scene was also a prospect that was appreciated as it complimented the thrillers moral and the characters portrayal, For example we established a street setting that added to the realism we wanted. We created a distorted view of the victim in which gave off the concept of her being 'out of it', this was all down to the different techniques of filming we used. For example there was a point of view shot in the alley way of where the victim was secretly holding the camera before her as she was stumbling through, this further created the allusion of her state being messy and uncontrollable.
A re-occurring negative that appeared numerously was the scream sound at the end being too fake. We initially as a group did think this but we thought it'll add an effect in which in all due respect it did, causing controversy.